古时候,有人有一种特技,能够一只脚站很久,他向斯巴达(Sparta,在今天Greece)人说:“我不信你们有这本事。”(I do not believe you can do as much.)但斯巴达人回他一句,这有什么了不起,“每条鹅都能。”(True, but every goose can.)
古时候过去了,但现代仍有这种用一只脚站着显摆的人,这就是印度人。印度人这种鬼名堂多得很,一只脚站着,一只手举着,太阳底下晒着(standing exposed to the sun for many hours),拿大顶(remain with the head bent down),手握拳,让指甲穿过手心长出来(Keep their fists closed for years, so that the nails grow through the palm and out of the back of the hand.),或埋在地里几天,还活过来(remain buried for days at a time and emerge from their “graves” alive)。……
这些无聊的特技,都是印度人的本事。这一套本事,最像样的部分就叫“瑜伽”(yoga 1.(in Hindu religious philosophy)a system of ascetic practice, abstract meditation, and mental concentration, used as a method of attaining union with the supreme spirit. 2. a system of exercises or rigid physical positions for achieving serenity and well-being.),信瑜伽的就叫yogi,印度人很多都信。去年十月十九日爸爸给你信上提到的现在印度总理甘地夫人的爸爸(坐过十年半牢的),每天早起就要拿大顶,据说这样可relax himself(Nehrus wife died in 1936 and his only daughter is his official hostess. He likes playing with his two grandsons. Every morning he starts his day by standing on his head to relax himself.)。中国古话说,救老百姓是“解民倒悬”,如果老百姓都这样以“倒悬”为乐,那还解个屁!(上次信上谈到Peter要求倒钉十字架以表示他对他老师耶稣的敬意,大概Peter也是一个yogi!)