THE BELL AND THE HAMMER THERE was no doubt about the Magic this time. Down and down they rushed, first through darkness and then through a mass of vague and whirling shapes which might have been almost anything. It grew lighter. Then suddenly they felt that they were
standing on something solid. A moment later everything came into focus and they were able to look about them.
"What a queer place!" said Digory.
"I dont like it," said Polly with something like a shudder.
What they noticed first was the light. It wasnt like sunlight, and it wasnt like electric light, or lamps, or candles, or any other light they had ever seen. It was a dull, rather red light, not at all cheerful. It was steady and did not flicker. They were standing on a flat paved surface and buildings rose all around them. There was no roof overhead; they were in a sort of courtyard. The sky was extraordinarily dark - a blue that was almost black.