THE COLD AND A CRAMPED STIFFNESS WOKE DEVIN ABOUT AN hour before sunrise. It took him a moment to remember where he was. It was still dark in the room. He massaged his neck and listened to Catrianas quiet breathing from under her blankets in the bed. A rueful expression crossed his face.
It was strange, he reflected, twisting his head from side to side to try to ease the soreness, how only a few hours in a soft armchair could leave one feeling more knotted and uncomfortable than a whole night out on cold ground He felt surprisingly awake though, given the night hed just had and the fact that he couldnt have been asleep for more than three hours or so. He considered going back to his own bed but realized that he wasnt going to be able to sleep any more that night. He decided to go down to the kitchens and see if any of the household staff could be induced to make him a pot of khav.