I married Parvati the witch on February 23rd, 1975, the second anniversary of my outcasts return to the magicians ghetto.
Stiffening of Padma: taut as a washing line, my dung lotus inquires: Married? But last night only you said you wouldnt and why you havent told me all these days, weeks, months… ? I look at her sadly, and remind her that I have already mentioned the death of my poor Parvati, which was not a natural death… slowly Padma uncoils, as I continue: Women have made me; and also unmade. From Reverend Mother to the Widow, and even beyond, I have been at the mercy of the so called (erroneously, in my opinion!) gentler sex. It is, perhaps, a matter of connection: is not Mother India, Bharat Mata, commonly thought of as female? And, as you know, theres no escape from her.