To tell the truth, I lied about Shivas death. My first out and out lie although my presentation of the Emergency in the guise of a six hundred and thirty five day long midnight was perhaps excessively romantic, and certainly contradicted by the available meteorological data. Still and all, whatever anyone may think, lying doesnt come easily to Saleem, and Im hanging my head in shame as I confess… Why, then, this single barefaced lie? (Because, in actuality, Ive no idea where my changeling rival went after the Widows Hostel; he could be in hell or the brothel down the road and I wouldnt know the difference.) Padma, try and understand: Im still terrified of him. There is unfinished business between us, and I spend my days quivering at the thought that the war hero might somehow have discovered the secret of his birth was he ever shown a file bearing three tell tale initials? and that, roused to wrath by the irrecoverable loss of his past, he might come looking for me to exact a stifling revenge… is that how it will end, with the life being crushed out of me by a pair of superhuman, merciless knees?