Listen, he said. "The trouble with you is that you dont have any real kindness. Not but one woman Fve ever known had this real kindness Im talking aboutWell, Ive known you to do things no man in this world would be proud of. Ive known you to------’
Or maybe its curiosity I mean. You dont ever see or notice anything important that goes on. You never watch and think and try to figure anything out. Maybe thats the biggest difference between you and me, after all.’
Alice was almost asleep again, and through the mirror he watched her with detachment. There was no distinctive point
about her on which he could fasten his attention, and his gaze glided from her pale brown hair to the stumpy outline of her feet beneath the cover. The soft curves of her face led to the roundness of her hips and thighs. When he was away from her there was no one feature that stood out in his mind and he remembered her as a complete, unbroken figure.