The bell ceases. The lion sighs with relief and lays his head once more upon his heavy paws: ";Now I can sleep!"
Then, from under the bed curtains, on either side of the bed, begins to pour a veritable torrent that quickly forms into dark, viscous, livid puddles on the floor.
But, before you accuse the Archduke of the unspeakable, dip your finger in the puddle and lick it.
For these are sticky puddles of freshly squeezed grape juice, and apple juice, and peach juice, juice of plum, pear, or raspberry, strawberry, cherry ripe, blackberry, black currant, white currant, red. . . The room brims with the delicious ripe scent of summer pudding, even though, outside, on the frozen tower, the raven still creaks out his melancholy call: