IT STARTS WITH a single cell. The first cell splits to become two and the two become fourand so on. After just forty-seven doublings, you have ten thousand trillion(10,000,000,000,000,000) cells in your body and are ready to spring forth as a human being.
1And every one of those cells knows exactly what to do to preserve and nurture you from themoment of conception to your last breath.
You have no secrets from your cells. They know far more about you than you do. Each onecarries a copy of the complete genetic code—the instruction manual for your body—so itknows not only how to do its job but every other job in the body. Never in your life will youhave to remind a cell to keep an eye on its adenosine triphosphate levels or to find a place forthe extra squirt of folic acid that’s just unexpectedly turned up. It will do that for you, andmillions more things besides.