I had a dream, which was notall a dream.
The bright sun wasextinguish’d, and the starsDid wander . . .
—Byron, “Darkness”
IN 1815 on the island of Sumbawa in Indonesia, a handsome and long-quiescent mountainnamed Tambora exploded spectacularly, killing a hundred thousand people with its blast andassociated tsunamis. It was the biggest volcanic explosion in ten thousand years—150 timesthe size of Mount St. Helens, equivalent to sixty thousand Hiroshima-sized atom bombs.
News didn’t travel terribly fast in those days. In London, The Times ran a small story—actually a letter from a merchant—seven months after the event. But by this time Tambora’seffects were already being felt. Thirty-six cubic miles of smoky ash, dust, and grit haddiffused through the atmosphere, obscuring the Sun’s rays and causing the Earth to cool.