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Nettleship said to me: Has Edwin Ellis ever said anything about the effect of drink upon my genius? No, I answered. I ask, he said, because I have always thought that Ellis has some strange medical insight. Though I had answered no, Ellis had only a few days before used these words: Nettleship drank his genius away.

Ellis, but lately returned from Perugia, where he had lived many years, was another old friend of my fathers but some years younger than Nettleship or my father. Nettleship had found his simplifying image, but in his painting had turned away from it, while Ellis, the son of Alexander Ellis, a once famous man of science, who was perhaps the last man in England to run the circle of the sciences without superficiality, had never found that image at all. He was a painter and poet, but his painting, which did not interest me, showed no influence but that of Leighton. He had started perhaps a couple of years too late for Pre?Raphaelite influence, for no great Pre?Raphaelite picture was painted after 1870, and left England too soon for that of the French painters.





