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It is the honourable characteristic of Poetry that its materials are tobe found in every subject which can interest the human mind. Theevidence of this fact is to be sought, not in the writings of Critics,but in those of Poets themselves.

The majority of the following poems are to be considered as experiments.They were written chie?y with a view to ascertain how far the languageof conversation in the middle and lower classes of society is adapted tothe purposes of poetic pleasure. Readers accustomed to the gaudiness andinane phraseology of many modern writers, if they persist in readingthis book to its conclusion, will perhaps frequently have to strugglewith feelings of strangeness and aukwardness: they will look round forpoetry, and will be induced to enquire by what species of courtesy theseattempts can be permitted to assume that title. It is desirable thatsuch readers, for their own sakes, should not suffer the solitary wordPoetry, a word of very disputed meaning, to stand in the way of theirgrati?cation; but that, while they are perusing this book, they shouldask themselves if it contains a natural delineation of human passions,human characters, and human incidents; and if the answer be favourableto the authors wishes, that they should consent to be pleased in spiteof that most dreadful enemy to our pleasures, our own pre-establishedcodes of decision.





