He spake: and to confirm his words, out-flew
Millions of flaming swords, drawn from the thighs
Of mighty Cherubim; the sudden blaze [ 665 ]
Far round illumind hell: highly they ragd
Against the Highest, and fierce with grasped arms
Clashd on thir sounding Shields the din of war,
Hurling defiance toward the vault of Heavn.
There stood a Hill not far whose griesly top [ 670 ]
Belchd fire and rowling smoak; the rest entire
Shon with a glossie scurff, undoubted sign
That in his womb was hid metallic Ore,
The work of Sulphur. Thither wingd with speed
A numerous Brigad hastend. As when Bands [ 675 ]
Of Pioners with Spade and Pickax armd