Part on the Plain, or in the Air sublime
Upon the wing, or in swift Race contend,
As at th Olympian Games or Pythian fields; [ 530 ]
Part curb thir fierie Steeds, or shun the Goal
With rapid wheels, or fronted Brigads form.
As when to warn proud Cities warr appears
Wagd in the troubld Skie, and Armies rush
To Battel in the Clouds, before each Van [ 535 ]
Prick forth the Aerie Knights, and couch thir Spears
Till thickest Legions close; with feats of Arms
From either end of Heavn the welkin burns.
Others with vast Typhœan rage more fell
Rend up both Rocks and Hills, and ride the Air [ 540 ]
In whirlwind; Hell scarce holds the wilde uproar.