The Stairs were such as whereon Jacob saw [ 510 ]
Angels ascending and descending, bands
Of Guardians bright, when he from Esau fled
To Padan-Aram in the field of Luz,
Dreaming by night under the open Skie,
And waking crid, This is the Gate of Heavn [ 515 ]
Each Stair mysteriously was meant, nor stood
There alwayes, but drawn up to Heavn somtimes
Viewless, and underneath a bright Sea flowd
Of Jasper, or of liquid Pearle, whereon
Who after came from Earth, sayling arrivd, [ 520 ]
Wafted by Angels, or flew ore the Lake
Rapt in a Chariot drawn by fiery Steeds.
The Stairs were then let down, whether to dare
The Fiend by easie ascent, or aggravate