Betwixt these rockie Pillars Gabriel sat
Chief of th Angelic Guards, awaiting night; [ 550 ]
About him exercisd Heroic Games
Th unarmed Youth of Heavn, but nigh at hand
Celestial Armourie, Shields, Helmes, and Speares
Hung high with Diamond flaming, and with Gold.
Thither came Uriel, gliding through the Eeven [ 555 ]
On a Sun beam, swift as a shooting Starr
In Autumn thwarts the night, when vapors fird
Impress the Air, and shews the Mariner
From what point of his Compass to beware
Impetuous winds: he thus began in haste. [ 560 ]
Gabriel, to thee thy course by Lot hath givn
Charge and strict watch that to this happie place