Then when I am thy captive talk of chaines, [ 970 ]
Proud limitarie Cherube, but ere then
Farr heavier load thy self expect to feel
From my prevailing arme, though Heavens King
Ride on thy wings, and thou with thy Compeers,
Usd to the yoak, drawst his triumphant wheels [ 975 ]
In progress through the rode of Heavn Star-pavd.
While thus he spake, th Angelic Squadron bright
Turnd fierie red, sharpning in mooned hornes
Thir Phalanx, and began to hemm him round
With ported Spears, as thick as when a field [ 980 ]
Of Ceres ripe for harvest waving bends
Her bearded Grove of ears, which way the wind
Swayes them; the careful Plowman doubting stands