Forthwith from Councel to the work they flew,
None arguing stood, innumerable hands
Were ready, in a moment up they turnd
Wide the Celestial soile, and saw beneath [ 510 ]
Th originals of Nature in thir crude
Conception; Sulphurous and Nitrous Foame
They found, they mingld, and with suttle Art,
Concocted and adusted they reducd
To blackest grain, and into store conveyd: [ 515 ]
Part hiddn veins diggd up (nor hath this Earth
Entrails unlike) of Mineral and Stone,
Whereof to found thir Engins and thir Balls
Of missive ruin; part incentive reed
Provide, pernicious with one touch to fire. [ 520 ]
So all ere day-spring, under conscious Night