Effulgence of my Glorie, Son belovd, [ 680 ]
Son in whose face invisible is beheld
Visibly, what by Deitie I am,
And in whose hand what by Decree I doe,
Second Omnipotence, two dayes are past,
Two dayes, as we compute the dayes of Heavn, [ 685 ]
Since Michael and his Powers went forth to tame
These disobedient; sore hath been thir fight,
As likeliest was, when two such Foes met armd;
For to themselves I left them, and thou knowst,
Equal in thir Creation they were formd, [ 690 ]
Save what sin hath impaird, which yet hath wrought
Insensibly, for I suspend thir doom;
Whence in perpetual fight they needs must last