Illustrious farr and wide, but by his own
First seen, them unexpected joy surprizd,
When the great Ensign of Messiah blazd [ 775 ]
Aloft by Angels born, his Sign in Heavn:
Under whose Conduct Michael soon reducd
His Armie, circumfusd on either Wing,
Under thir Head imbodied all in one.
Before him Power Divine his way prepard; [ 780 ]
At his command the uprooted Hills retird
Each to his place, they heard his voice and went
Obsequious, Heavn his wonted face renewd,
And with fresh Flourets Hill and Valley smild.
This saw his hapless Foes but stood obdurd, [ 785 ]
And to rebellious fight rallied thir Powers
Insensate, hope conceiving from despair.