So Eevn and Morn recorded the Third Day.
Again th Almightie spake: Let there be Lights
High in th expanse of Heaven to divide [ 340 ]
The Day from Night; and let them be for Signes,
For Seasons, and for Dayes, and circling Years,
And let them be for Lights as I ordaine
Thir Office in the Firmament of Heavn
To give Light on the Earth; and it was so. [ 345 ]
And God made two great Lights, great for thir use
To Man, the greater to have rule by Day,
The less by Night alterne: and made the Starrs,
And set them in the Firmament of Heavn
To illuminate the Earth, and rule the Day [ 350 ]
In thir vicissitude, and rule the Night,