Empress, the way is readie, and not long,
Beyond a row of Myrtles, on a Flat,
Fast by a Fountain, one small Thicket past
Of blowing Myrrh and Balme; if thou accept
My conduct, I can bring thee thither soon. [ 630 ]
Lead then, said Eve. Hee leading swiftly rowld
In tangles, and made intricate seem strait,
To mischief swift. Hope elevates, and joy
Brightns his Crest, as when a wandring Fire
Compact of unctuous vapor, which the Night [ 635 ]
Condenses, and the cold invirons round,
Kindld through agitation to a Flame,
Which oft, they say, some evil Spirit attends
Hovering and blazing with delusive Light,
Misleads th amazd Night-wanderer from his way [ 640 ]