For bliss, as thou hast part, to me is bliss,
Tedious, unshard with thee, and odious soon. [ 880 ]
Thou therefore also taste, that equal Lot
May joyne us, equal Joy, as equal Love;
Least thou not tasting, different degree
Disjoyne us, and I then too late renounce
Deitie for thee, when Fate will not permit. [ 885 ]
Thus Eve with Countnance blithe her storie told;
But in her Cheek distemper flushing glowd.
On th other side, Adam, soon as he heard
The fatal Trespass don by Eve, amazd,
Astonied stood and Blank, while horror chill [ 890 ]
Ran through his veins, and all his joynts relaxd;
From his slack hand the Garland wreathd for Eve