But first the lawless Tyrant, who denies
To know thir God, or message to regard,
Must be compelld by Signes and Judgements dire; [ 175 ]
To blood unshed the Rivers must be turnd,
Frogs, Lice and Flies must all his Palace fill
With loathd intrusion, and fill all the land;
His Cattel must of Rot and Murren die,
Botches and blaines must all his flesh imboss, [ 180 ]
And all his people; Thunder mixt with Haile,
Haile mixt with fire must rend th Egyptian Skie
And wheel on th Earth, devouring where it rouls;
What it devours not, Herb, or Fruit, or Graine,
A darksom Cloud of Locusts swarming down [ 185 ]
Must eat, and on the ground leave nothing green: