Even the famous one, the one can only speak German, boy, did he throw in thetowel. You cant talk her out of these" -- he made a fist, as though to crush anintangible -- "ideas. Try it sometime. Get her to tell you some of the stuff shebelieves. Mind you," he said, "I like the kid. Everybody does, but theres lots thatdont. I do. I sincerely like the kid. Im sensitive, thats why. Youve got to besensitive to appreciate her: a streak of the poet. But Ill tell you the truth. You canbeat your brains out for her, and shell hand you horseshit on a platter. To give anexample -- who is she like you see her today? Shes strictly a girl youll read whereshe ends up at the bottom of a bottle of Seconals. Ive seen it happen more timesthan youve got toes: and those kids, they werent even nuts. Shes nuts."