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Breakfast at Tiffany's-21



"Oh, that." He grinned rather scornfully. "They do us a grand favor, Rusty andMag. We laugh over it: how they think they break our hearts when all the time wewant them to run away. I assure you, we were laughing when the sadness came."

His eyes searched the litter on the floor; he picked up a ball of yellow paper. "This,"

he said.

It was a telegram from Tulip, Texas: Received notice young Fred killed in actionoverseas stop your husband and children join in the sorrow of our mutual loss stopletter follows love Doc. Holly never mentioned her brother again: except once.

Moreover, she stopped calling me Fred. June, July, all through the warm months shehibernated like a winter animal who did not know spring had come and gone. Herhair darkened, she put on weight. She became rather careless about her clothes:used to rush round to the delicatessen wearing a rain-slicker and nothingunderneath. José moved into the apartment, his name replacing Mag Wildwoods onthe mailbox. Still, Holly was a good deal alone, for José stayed in Washington threedays a week. During his absences she entertained no one and seldom left theapartment -- except on Thursdays, when she made her weekly trip to Ossining.





