其二。见张爱玲高中三年级之英文习作,有一篇题为My Great Expectations开笔说:“Time is like a sharp knife ﹣ when it is misused, it can carve hard lines on beautiful faces, and wear out blooming youth month by month, year by year but, well used it can mold a piece of simple stone into a magnificent statue. St Mary's, in spite of its long history of fifty years, is still a simple piece of white stone briefly carved. As time marches on, it may be marred by dust, worn out by weather, or broken into separate fragments, and it may be carefully, slowly carved by the knife, inch by inch, into a wonderful statue which will be placed among the glorious works of Michelangelo.” 张爱玲高中二年级的中文习作,有一篇题为《秋雨》,开笔说:“雨,像银灰色粘湿的蛛丝,织成一片轻柔的网,网住了整个秋的世界。天也是暗沉沉的,像古老的住宅里缠满着蛛丝网的屋顶。那堆在天上的灰白色的云片,就像屋顶上剥落的白粉。”两相比较,中文遣词造句比英文熟练,巧思则中英文都有了。这些出土文物都是陈子善先生在上海挖出来的,张爱玲一定气坏了。美人何止不许人间见白头?