文学跟天气分不开。英国人对天气敏感。英国作家写天气格外传神。Virginia Woolf的日记写天气都寥寥几笔,竟有“经典”气:“All these days have been very fine, hot, blue sky, rather a high wind, Same again today”;“Another very bad day, though wind less furious. Swallows flying higher. Papers say storm had been all over England”;“Last day of August a very beautiful one. Wind soft, ﹠steadily grew finer hotter so that we sat out on the terrace after tea”;“In spite of a perfect moonlit night, mist rain & wind, black all over the downs this morning”;“An almost motionless day; no blue sky; almost like a winter day, save for the heat. Very quiet”;“This page should be wholly devoted to praise of the weather. One curious effect of spring in the suburbs is that it produces an astonishing amount of male & female singing in the evening”。中国旧文人写节令也考究。渔洋山人《雨登木末亭记》里有这样一段工笔:“中夜风起,闻雨声洒叶上,与檐角琅璫相应,枕簟间萧然有秋意。晨起盥栉,僧院中梧桐得两,青覆檐溜。盆山石菖蒲数丛,勺水渟泓,苍然可爱。南入高座寺,访山雨山人,时晨雨方零,空山寂历,宿鸟闻剥啄声,扑刺惊起。”