Isaiah Berlin 最好看的一本书是Personal Impressions。Personal Impressions 里最好看的一篇文章是Meetings with Russian Writers in 1945 and 1946。昨天晚上我翻箱找书,找不到要找的那一本,却邂逅了这一本十几年前出版的老书。我二十几年前就喜欢读Berlin,这一本是一九八一年我重到伦敦的时候买的。旅行途中断断续续读完全书,回来不但经常重读,文章里也引用了书中一些资料。余英时先生熟读Berlin的着作,一眼认出出处,来信提到这位英国着名文化学者、着名教授的如椽大笔。Berlin这篇长文从一九四五年他在华盛顿英国大使馆短期工作写起。那年夏天,大使馆要临时调派他到英国驻莫斯科大使馆去工作几个月,理由是那边人手不足,而他又谙俄文,过去在美国参加过一些国际问题会议,了解美国对苏的各种不同看法。大使馆认为他可以暂时补一补缺,直到新年专人到任为止。当时二次大战已经结束了。Berlin的英文乾净利落,平实之中俱见学养和文采,读来舒服:
In the summer of 1945,while I was working as a temporary official in the British Embassy in Washington,I was informed that I was to be seconded to our Moscow Embassy for a few months:the reason given was that it was short-handed,and since I knew Russian,and had, at the San Francisco Conference (and long before it), learnt something of official and unofficial American attitudes to the soviet Union, I might be of some use in filling a gap until the New Year when Someone less amateur would be free to come. The war was over...