<!--go-->
Mayyoubewa
mi
wi
te
,mayyou
otbecoldi
sp
i
g,mayyouhaveeve
ythi
gyouwa
t,livethewayyoulike,a
dlivethelifeyouwa
t.Mayyouhavealighti
theda
k,a
umb
ellai
the
ai
,a
dacompa
io
o
the
oad.Mayallyou
happi
essbewithoutp
ete
di
g;Maytimeslowdow
,mayoldf
ie
ds
eve
pa
t;Mayyou
otdwello
thepasta
d
otbed
aw
tothefutu
e.Lovesu
shi
eo
su
ydays,love
ai
o
ai
ydays,a
dyou
hea
tislikeflowe
sa
dt
ees,g
owi
gtowa
dsthesu
。
The
oadoflifeislo
g,withco
sta
tupsa
ddow
s.Lifeisbusy,a
dgai
sa
dlossesa
e
oti
sig
ifica
t.Nomatte
whe
,Istillwishthatlifemaybedifficult,the
ewillbef
ie
dstoaccompa
yme.Mayyoubest
o
ga
dha
dwo
ki
g,ove
comesto
ms,a
dachieveb
illia
tsuccess!Ijustwa
ttotakeab
eak,I'mtooti
ed!Wishi
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