The Lion, the Witch and the War
作者 : C·S·刘易斯
Narnia . . . a land frozen in eternal winter . . . a country waiting to be set free . . . Four adventurers step through a wardrobe door and into the land of Narniaa land enslaved by the power of the White Witch. But when almost all hope is lost, the return of the Great Lion, Aslan, signals a great change . . . and a great sacrifice.
最近更新 2019-11-21
作者 : C·S·刘易斯
Lucy and Edmund Pevensie return to Narnia with their cousin Eustace where they meet up with Prince Caspian for a trip across the sea aboard the royal ship The Dawn Treader. Along the way they encounter dragons, dwarves, merfolk, and a band of lost warriors before reaching the edge of the world.
最近更新 2019-11-21
作者 : 赫尔曼·黑塞
In the shade of the house, in the sunshine of the riverbank near the boats, in the shade of the Sal-wood forest, in the shade of the fig tree is where Siddhartha grew up, the handsome son of the Brahman, the young falcon, together with his friend Govinda, son of a Brahman.
最近更新 2019-11-21
作者 : 赫尔曼·黑塞
最近更新 2019-11-21
作者 : 盖伊·加列佛·凯伊
With a new introduction by the acclaimed bestselling author, this is the spectacular deluxe tenth-anniversary edition of a fantasy classic--the sweeping tale of sorcery, magic, politics, war, love, betrayal, and survival... A richly sensuous fantasy world, full of evocative history, religions, folklore, local customs, and a magical rites...a bravura performance, nearly impossible to put down.-- Kirkus ReviewsKay's brilliant and complex portrayal of good and evil, high and low, will draw readers to this consuming epic.-- Publishers WeeklyA brilliant single-volume epic fantasy, rich in intrigue and subtlety. Memorable characters and cultures add depth to a gracefully plotted story.-- Library JournalMassively satisfying...startlingly new. -- Toronto StarThe heir to Tolkien's tradition.-- BooklistOne of the best fantasy novels I have read.-- Anne McCaffreyAll that you held most dear you will put by and leave behind you; and this is the arrow the longbow of your exile first lets fly.You will come to know how bitter as salt and stone is the bread of others, how hard the way that goes up and down stairs that never are your own.Dante, The Paradiso What can a flame remember? If it remembers a little less than is necessary, it goes out; if it remembers a little more than is necessary, it goes out. If only it could teach us, while it burns, to remember correctly.George Seferis, Stratis the Sailor Describes a Man
最近更新 2019-11-21
作者 : 尼古拉斯·斯帕克斯
A man with a faded, well-worn notebook open in his lap. A woman experiencing a morning ritual she doesn't understand. Until he begins to read to her. The Notebook is an achingly tender story about the enduring power of love, a story of miracles that will stay with you forever. Set amid the austere beauty of coastal North Carolina in 1946, The Notebook begins with the story of Noah Calhoun, a rural Southerner returned home from World War II. Noah, thirty-one, is restoring a plantation home to its former glory, and he is haunted by images of the beautiful girl he met fourteen years earlier, a girl he loved like no other. Unable to find her, yet unwilling to forget the summer they spent together, Noah is content to live with only memories....until she unexpectedly returns to his town to see him once again. Allie Nelson, twenty-nine, is now engaged to another man, but realizes that the original passion she felt for Noah has not dimmed with the passage of time. Still, the obstacles that once ended their previous relationship remain, and the gulf between their worlds is too vast to ignore. With her impending marriage only weeks away, Allie is forced to confront her hopes and dreams for the future, a future that only she can shape. Like a puzzle within a puzzle, the story of Noah and Allie is just the beginning. As it unfolds, their tale miraculously becomes something different, with much higher stakes. The result is a deeply moving portrait of love itself, the tender moments and the fundamental changes that affect us all. Shining with a beauty that is rarely found in current literature, The Notebook establishes Nicholas Sparks as a classic storyteller with a unique insight into the only emotion that really matters. I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough. And so begins one of the most poignant and compelling love stories you will ever read....The Notebook
最近更新 2019-11-21
The Ballad of the Sad Café and Other Stories
作者 : 卡森·麦卡勒斯
本书所收录的小说,其背景则呈现为多样性,有都市生活的,有大学生活的,也有家庭生活的,但其反映的主旨似仍在人物的内心世界,以及那种没来由的孤独感。伤心咖啡馆之歌首先,爱情是发生在两个人之间的一种共同的经验——不过,说它是共同的经验并不意味着它在有关的两个人身上所引起的反响是同等的。世界上有爱者,也有被爱者,这是截然不同的两类人。往往,被爱者仅仅是爱者心底平静地蕴积了好久的那种爱情的触发剂。每一个恋爱的人都多少知道这一点。他在灵魂深处感到他的爱恋是一种很孤独的感情。他逐渐体会到一种新的、陌生的孤寂,正是这种发现使他痛苦。因此,对于恋爱者来说只有一件事可做。他必须尽可能深地把他的爱情禁铜在心中;他必须为自己创造一个全然是新的内心世界——个认真的、奇异的、完全为他单独拥有的世界。我还得添上一句,我们所说的这样的恋爱者倒不一定得是一个正在攒钱准备买结婚戒指的年轻人——这个恋爱者可以是男人、女人、儿童,总之,可以是世界上任何一个人。 至于被爱者.也可以是任何一种类型的人。最最粗野的人也可以成为爱情的触发剂。一个颤巍巍的老爷子可能仍然钟情于2o年前某日下午他在奇霍街头所见到的陌生姑娘。牧师也许会爱上一个堕落的女人。被爱的人可能人品很坏,油头滑脑,染有不良恶习。是的,恋爱者也能像别人一样对一切认识得清清楚楚——可是这丝毫也不影响他的感情的发展。一个顶顶平庸的人可以成为一次沼泽毒罂粟般热烈、狂放、美丽的恋爱的对象。一个好人也能成为—次放荡、堕落的恋爱的触发剂,一个絮絮叨叨的疯子没准能使某人头脑里出现一曲温柔、淳美的牧歌。因此. 任何一次恋爱的价值与质量纯粹取决于恋爱者本身。 正因如此,我们大多数人都宁愿爱而不愿被爱。几乎每一个都愿意充当恋爱者。道理非常简单,人们朦朦胧胧地感到,被人爱的这种处境,对于许多人来说,都是无法忍受的。被爱者惧怕而且憎恨爱者,这也是有充分理由的。因为爱者总是想把他的所爱者剥得连灵魂都裸露出来。爱者疯狂地渴求与被爱者发生任何一种可能的关系,纵使这种经验只能给他自身带来痛苦。
最近更新 2019-11-21
作者 : 安吉拉·卡特
Burning Your Boats (Short Stories Collection),本书完整收录安洁拉·卡特创作生涯中的短篇小说。其中包括四册曾独立出版之作品:《烟火》,《染血之室》,《黑色维纳斯》, 《美国鬼魂与旧世界奇观》),另外还收录卡特从未出版单行本之六篇遗珠小说。著名小说家鲁西迪特别作序推荐。 本书四十二篇精彩小说可以看到作者创作上的企图心,题材从童话故事到真人真事皆有,原发表场所从一般流行杂志到学术倾向的伦敦书评,显示卡特不断跨越各种书写,社会分界,像是个游走江湖的说书人,吸引各种社会阶层驻足聆听。 其中《染血之室》,为卡特最著名的代表作,她改写《蓝胡子》、《穿靴猫》、《小红帽》等著名故事,大幅翻转故事的指涉意义。其中《与狼为伴》一篇曾改编成电影。
最近更新 2019-11-21
作者 : 尼古拉斯·斯帕克斯
It was 1958, and Landon had already dated a girl or two. He even swore that he had once been in love. Certainly the last person in town he thought he'd fall for was Jamie Sullivan, the daughter of the town's Baptist minister. A quiet girl who always carried a Bible with her schoolbooks, Jamie seemed content living in a world apart from other teens. She took care of her widowed father, rescued hurt animals, and helped out at the local orphanage. No boy had ever asked her out. Landon never would have dreamed of it. Then a twist of fate made Jamie his partner for the homecoming dance, and Landon Carter's life would never be the same. Being with Jamie would show him the depths of the human heart and lead him to a decision so stunning it would send him irrevocably on the road to manhood.
最近更新 2019-11-21
作者 : 弗兰克·鲍姆
L. Frank Baum never imagined the impact The Wonderful Wizard of Oz would have on children's writing or the appeal the book would have to generations of readers. Although he wrote numerous books, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is easily his most enduring. Baum wanted to write a fairy tale that was American, not European, although he introduced elements of traditional European fairy tales (witches, castles, forests) into the story. By presenting a female protagonist, casual language, characters such as the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman, and settings such as Kansas, Baum created a new approach to children's writing that is distinctly American.Before The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, children's books were stilted morality tales designed to instruct or to frighten readers into behaving properly. Baum, however, presented a thrilling adventure from a child's point of view, showing the child's ability to solve her own problems and return to the security of her home.The Wonderful Wizard of Oz received praise from critics and readers alike. Critics applauded Baum's simple storytelling, his message, and his imaginative, believable characters. Readers fell in love with the wonders of Oz and demanded more books about this enchanted land. Although the book did not win any awards during Baum's lifetime, it was given the Lewis Carroll Shelf Award in 1968.
最近更新 2019-11-21
The Poetry of Federico García Lorca
作者 : 加西亚·洛尔迦
费德里科·加西亚·洛尔迦(federico garcia lorca,1989-1936)是20世纪最伟大的西班牙诗人、27年一代的代表人物。这位安达卢西亚之子把他的诗同西班牙民间歌谣创造性地结合起来,创造出了一种全新的诗体:节奏优美哀婉,形式多样,词句形象,想象丰富,民间色彩浓郁,易于吟唱,同时又显示出超凡的诗艺。近70年来,他的诗歌作品对世界诗坛产生了巨大影响,难怪美国著名诗人勃莱谈到他的作品时说:洛尔迦的诗歌佳作是人类智力的楷模。
最近更新 2019-11-21
作者 : 蓝斯顿·休斯
蓝斯顿休斯是美国中上最伟大的诗人之一。就像其他许许多多的作家,他的写作题材来自于他的生活经验,即他身边的人、事、地。虽然休斯对来自于社会各阶层的人都很友善,如:富人、中产阶级及贫穷人,而这些所谓的低下阶层的人们对他的诗作影响深远 。休斯将这个措辞视为某种类型的赞赏,他欣赏这些人,因为「他们毫无疑问的接受美丽就是己身的想法。」您认为这句话代表了什么意义?也许这句话意指低下阶层的人们能够领会存在他们生活中的美好事物。休斯热爱黑人音乐尤其是表达悲伤主题的蓝调音乐。他在芝加哥、纽约、堪萨斯市及华盛顿特区内的俱乐部聆听这 种音乐。他听的歌是讲述人们决心征服艰难。在「称为蓝调的歌曲」(Songs Called the Blues,1941)中,休斯形容这类音乐是「深受打击却打不垮的黑人唱腔」;1958年,在爵士及蓝调音乐家(如:查尔斯明格斯Charles Mingus)的伴奏下,休斯将他的诗作录制出版 。您曾听过随音乐吟诵的诗作吗?藍斯頓休斯藉由創作作品來表達對政治及不公的感受。他到他國旅行以學習他人是如何處理種族議題。儘管他是非常自由派的,休斯仍為持有保守觀點的非裔美人說話。例如1941年的「布克的敘事歌謠」(Ballad of Booker T.)即是休斯為前奴隸及保守的平等提倡者布克華盛頓 (Booker T. Washington) 所作的詩。這首詩將焦點放在華盛頓為爭取種族和平所做出的努力,而未對其做出任何批評:Sometimes he hadcompromise in his talk--for a man must crawlbefore he can walkand in Alabama in '85a joker was luckyto be alive. 休斯以不得不「妥協」來解釋華盛頓的立場。為達目的,您是否曾妥協或改變您的觀點過?Langston Hughes is one of America's greatest poets. Like so many writers, he wrote about what he knew -- the people, places and events around him. Although Hughes was friendly with people from all walks of life, the rich, the middle class and the poor, it was the people he called the low-down folks who had the greatest influence on his poetry. Hughes used this expression as a form of praise. He admired these people because they accept what beauty is their own without question. What do you think this means? Perhaps the phrase means that the low-down folks appreciated the beauty that existed in their lives. Hughes loved the music of his people, especially the blues, songs that express sad themes. He heard this music in clubs in Chicago, New York, Kansas City and Washington, D.C. The songs he heard were about people who were determined to overcome hardships. In Songs Called the Blues (1941), Hughes said this music was sung by black, beaten but unbeatable throats. In 1958, Hughes recorded his poetry to the accompaniment of the music of jazz and blues artists such as Charles Mingus. Have you ever heard poetry recited to music? Langston Hughes believed in using his art to get across his feelings about politics and injustice. He traveled to other countries to learn how they dealt with racial issues. Despite his own very liberal beliefs, Hughes defended African American activists who held more conservative views. For example, in the 1941 poem Ballad of Booker T., Hughes defends Booker T. Washington, a former slave and more conservative advocate for equality. Rather than criticize him, the poet focused on Washington's strategy to gain racial equality:Sometimes he hadcompromise in his talk--for a man must crawlbefore he can walkand in Alabama in '85a joker was luckyto be alive.Hughes explained Washington's position by saying he had to compromise. Have you ever had to compromise, or change your point of view, to get what you wanted?
最近更新 2019-11-21
作者 : 巴勃罗·聂鲁达
Pablo Neruda (1904-1973)Pablo Neruda was born in Parall, Chile. He studied in Santiago in the twenties. From 1927 to 1945 he was the Chilean consul in Rangoon, in Java, and then in Barcelona. He joined the Communist Party after the Second World War. Between 1970 and 1973 he served in Allende’s Chilean Government as ambassador to Paris. He died shortly after the coup that ended the Allende Government.Neruda's career as a poet began with love poetry and ended with love poetry. One of his very last works, written only days before his death, is The End, a love poem to [his wife] Matilde. There were, of course, changes; there were deviations during the period of Residence on Earth, for example; there were turns and innovations during the period of political and epic poetry that began in the late thirties and culminated in 1950 with Canto General, but there was also a remarkable continuity. Erotic poetry and love poetry were for Neruda an important, essential part of his poetic life.Pablo Neruda was one of the most prolific poets of our century. To trace the development of even one aspect of his poetic world is far from easy. Yet in the case of his erotic poetry and his love poetry the outline of that development is clear enough. The early Neruda, from his first published book, Crepusculario, and then especially in Twenty Poems, is a sensualist and a materialist in his approach to love and woman…. [In Twenty Poems] Neruda intensifies the complete fusion between woman and Nature. Joy and despair, like Marisol and Marisombra, mingle and alternate in this book, but whatever the emotion of the moment, the poet is constant in his identification of woman with Nature, in his use of Nature imagery to describe woman, and in his conception of woman as a vehicle for a return to Nature. In these richly sensual poems, the style is still on the whole modern Romantic with symbolist overtones and the first few hints of the newer, more disturbing poetic styles. Yet they remain constructive poems, in that they are organized around experiences in which real human beings, Neruda himself and the women he loved, provide a stabilizing platform upon which each poem is built.
最近更新 2019-11-21
作者 : 谢尔·希尔弗斯坦
INVITATIONIf you are a dreamer,come in,If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,A hoper-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer...If you're a pretender, come sit by my fireFor we have some flax-golden tales to spin.Come in!Come in!
最近更新 2019-11-21
作者 : 谢尔·希尔弗斯坦
The Land of Happy Have you been to the land of happy,Where everyones happy all day,Where they joke and they singOf the happiest things,And everythings jolly and gay?Theres no one unhappy in HappyTheres laughter and smiles galore.I have been to The Land of Happy-What a bore
最近更新 2019-11-21