If your joynt power prevailes, th affaires of Hell
No detriment need feare, goe and be strong.
So saying he dismissd them, they with speed [ 410 ]
Thir course through thickest Constellations held
Spreading thir bane; the blasted Starrs lookt wan,
And Planets, Planet-strook, real Eclips
Then sufferd. Th other way Satan went down
The Causey to Hell Gate; on either side [ 415 ]
Disparted Chaos over built exclaimd,
And with rebounding surge the barrs assaild,
That scornd his indignation: through the Gate,
Wide open and unguarded, Satan passd,
And all about found desolate; for those [ 420 ]
Appointed to sit there, had left thir charge,