Thrones, Dominations, Princedoms, Vertues, Powers, [ 460 ]
For in possession such, not onely of right,
I call ye and declare ye now, returnd
Successful beyond hope, to lead ye forth
Triumphant out of this infernal Pit
Abominable, accurst, the house of woe, [ 465 ]
And Dungeon of our Tyrant: Now possess,
As Lords, a spacious World, to our native Heaven
Little inferiour, by my adventure hard
With peril great atchievd. Long were to tell
What I have don, what sufferd, with what paine [ 470 ]
Voyagd th unreal, vast, unbounded deep
Of horrible confusion, over which
By Sin and Death a broad way now is pavd
To expedite your glorious march; but I